Barbara Abadi

Your Reinvention Partner

Building resilient, future-ready

leaders, teams and organizations.

By removing

Three main barriers to success:

blind spots

Blind Spots

All leaders have blind spots that hinder team performance.

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lack of clarity

Lack of Clarity

Lack of clarity stems from the leader’s thoughts and words.

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Strategic time and priority management reduces stress and elevates productivity.

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Develop calm, clear-headed focus and healthier relationships to get the results you want.

Barbara Abadi solutions

Barrier to peak performance

lack of clarity

Blind Spots

blind spots

Blind Spots

Leaders often are unaware of how their personal blind spots hinder team performance. Personal blind spots can create stress and unnecessary risks – employee burnout, high turnover, poor customer service…

Leaders don’t know what their front line knows – the operational systems and processes that drain time, money and morale.



Blind Spotters


Blind Spotters

Uncover your blind spots for breakthrough results:

Mental Fitness Bootcamp develops self-awareness and powerful mental habits for positive mindset, clear-headed focus, peak performance and greater happiness.

How important is it to you to have calm, clear-headed focus and peace of mind in life? If you think that you are too busy or too overwhelmed to commit to a program to establish the mental muscles to increase calm, clear-headed focus, peace of mind and performance, you are the person who will benefit the most from focusing on your mental habits. Find out more about theMental Fitness Bootcamp

Listening Campaigns are designed to uncover blind spots and root causes behind bottlenecks, continuous firefighting, and poor service. Given a safe space to respond, your people will shine a bright light on who or what gets in the way of better execution and service.


Barrier to peak performance

lack of clarity

Lack of Clarity

lack of clarity

Lack of Clarity


Teams waste time and money focusing on counterproductive priorities*.

Studies show that 70% of employees cannot name their company’s top priorities!


Clear Leadership Essentials

Clear Leadership Essentials

Clear Leadership Toolkit to align priorities, people and processes for measurable results:

Clear Communication Bootcamp develops the core Conversational Intelligence® skills that strengthen relationships, build trust, and inspire commitment to action.

Clear Leadership Coaching and 90-day Coaching Sprint  develop the self-awareness, self-regulation, and clear communication skills that empower leaders to align priorities, people, and processes for peak performance.

Clear Leadership Dashboard is a straight-forward, remarkably effective solution for strategic clarity, focus, accountability, and peace of mind. It is the foundation to motivate and align people with a compelling vision, clear priorities, clear decision rights, clear roles, and clear metrics.

Barrier to peak performance

lack of clarity




Teams spend their days in back-to-back semi-productive meetings.

2 hours of unproductive team meetings in an 8-hour day is 25% of the teams’ total comp.


Strategic Time and
Priority Management

solutionsStrategic Time and Priority Management

Strategic time and priority management reduces stress and significantly elevates team productivity:

Strategic Time and Priority Management Coaching helps individuals and teams bring back control, focus, and peace of mind to their work. Time and Priority Management Coaching has a multiplier effect on individual and group productivity.

Productive Meetings Framework develops and measures team focus, engagement, alignment, and accountability around strategic priorities in two 90-day sprints. Lower stress to get better results in less time.

Reducing unproductive meeting time seems like a simple, straight forward goal. The challenge is that it requires buy-in, focus and discipline at both the team and individual level. It is not easy, but it is doable.

Barbara Abadi

Experience and Commitment to ROI

Meet Barbara

I have 25+ years of experience in international banking, consulting, and executive coaching. My mission is to help my clients lead with calm, clear-headed focus and peace of mind.


My ideal client is a high achieving, highly rational person who really wants a change and has the discipline to carry through but doesn’t know how to get the change they crave. My programs to strengthen mental fitness and communication skills are the “how” to get the results they want.

In my clients’ own words:

 “PQ mental habits help me to calmly survive the stress of 16-hour workdays.” 

“For me, the dollar value of my increased focus and decreased anxiety is huge – a very large multiple of $1000!”

Once you master your own mental habits and communications skills, everything changes in the way you and your team communicate, get things done and achieve results.

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Chicago Booth University
Iowa university
iPEC Certified
Coach master Toolkit Certified
conversational intelligence
ACC-International Coaching Federation




My one and only experience at the greyhound races is a day I will never forget. My college friend and I carefully review all the greyhounds listed on the racing form and then place our first bet – $3 on a long shot named Daffy.

Put People First

Put People First

Communicating consistently and often is not always enough. Clear leaders engage in conversations to connect, understand, and be understood.

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